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Northgate Primary School

Northgate Primary School

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Contact Details

Our Address


Northgate Primary School

Green Lane



West Sussex

RH10 8DX





01293 526737


Nursery Telephone01293 582301 


In Year transfer and Admissions


For all in- year transfers and general admissions, please contact the Pupil Admissions Office to apply for a place. 



Telephone         0333 014 2903

Address            County Hall North (Parkside), Chart Way, Horsham, RH12 1XH


Once a place has been offered, please contact Miss Saleem in the Northgate school office. 


For all nursery applications, please contact Miss Saleem directly. 


For all other queries, please call to speak to a member of our friendly office team who will be happy to assist you. 

Headship Team:


Mrs Amanda Harrison - Head Teacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Sarah Stringer - Deputy Head Teacher; Inclusion and Designated Safeguarding Lead


Mrs Sarah Nower - Deputy Head Teacher; Teaching and Learning 

Mr Philip Tree - Assistant Head and Deputy Safeguarding Lead



Our school's Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) is Mrs Rebecca Risby-Tester 

If you have any SEN concerns please call on 01293 526737  or send us an email.

Mrs Risby-Tester    

Mrs Stringer 


All Headship team can be contacted on the office number or email both listed above. 


Should you have any serious concerns about a child you can contact MASH:


Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub: 01403 229 900

MASH Out of Hours: 0330 222 6664

Or you can email:


Or you can contact the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO): 0330 222 3339

Contact Us

Please note: Paper copies of website information or documents can be requested free of charge from the school office. 

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