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Northgate Primary School

Northgate Primary School

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The school’s last full Ofsted inspection was completed in January 2022. The school was judged to be Good in all areas. Inspectors found that:


  • Northgate Primary is a school where pupils’ voices are heard. Their views are valued; their behaviour is understood and staff have high expectations for them. As one pupil commented, ‘teachers understand how we think and this helps us to learn’. Leaders do the right thing at the right time and, as a result, the school has improved since the last inspection and continues on its ambitious journey.


  • Pupils behave well and are safe in school. Friendly, polite and alert, they listen to adults’ instructions and explanations in and out of class. They understand exactly what the school’s values are all about. Pupils are genuinely and rightly proud of how inclusive the school is: no one feels isolated or unwelcome if they come from a different faith, culture or type of family.


  • The teaching of reading from Reception upwards is a strength. Leaders have ensured that staff have expertise in phonics. The school’s excellent library is in constant use throughout the day. Pupils naturally pick up a book to read at every opportunity, as well as exploring demanding texts as part of their English curriculum.


  • Teaching and materials are adapted so that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities , including those who attend the resourced unit, can learn effectively alongside their peers.


  • Pupils are taught a well-sequenced, demanding and varied curriculum from Nursery through to Year 6.


  • The school develops pupils’ character and sense of responsibility extremely well. Pupils help to shape the school’s special inclusive ethos. All pupils have the opportunity to take on leadership roles and promote the school’s values. As a result, pupils are confident ambassadors for the school and themselves.


  • Leaders inspire staff’s commitment to working together for the good of the pupils.

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