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Northgate Primary School

Northgate Primary School

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Nurture Room

The Nest Nurture Room is a welcoming space for children to have the opportunity to grow in confidence and become successful learners in their classrooms and the school community. Nurture practitioners are nurturing and supportive, providing a positive role model for children to learn from. They assess children's learning, social and emotional needs and give help that is needed to remove any barriers to learning. The support from Nurture practitioners is not limited to The Nest Nurture Room and is embedded throughout the children's school day, being available to support them when needed.


The Nest Nurture Room is an environment where adults and children work closely together providing a place where mistakes and accidents are discussed, boundaries are put in place and where children learn about themselves and their world, at a pace and in a way that suits them. As the children learn academically and socially, they develop confidence, become responsive to others, learn self-respect, and take pride in their relationships and in achieving.


Our Nurture provision is designed to be a

bridge between home and school and is a place where children can feel safe and secure, therefore developing their individual needs further. The room aims to replicate a 'home' having a table to share food, a sofa to relax, a roleplay area and quiet area to play games and work collaboratively in small groups. Plus, a kitchen where food is shared at ‘breakfast’ or ‘snack time’ with opportunity for social learning, helping children to attend to the needs of others, with time to listen and be listened to.


The purpose of Nurture is to offer children

opportunities to re-visit early learning skills where Nurture practitioners promote and support their interactions with peers, modelling and supporting their social and emotional development, through focused learning activities and small group interventions. There is much evidence that children's learning is most effective when they have a sense of emotional well-being and positive self-esteem. The Nest Nurture Room provides children with this opportunity and so helps to develop their maturity and resilience. The Nest Nurture Room is a place of learning and fun.

Children may attend sessions in The Nest for specific reasons, for example:


Friendship difficulties (keeping/making friends)

Quiet, shy, withdrawn.

Find it hard to listen to others or join in.

Disruptive towards others (in class or playtimes)

Find it hard to accept losing a game.

Find it hard to share and take turns.

Find it difficult to settle into class and engage in learning.

Low self-esteem.

Poor relationships with adults in school.

Experience of early childhood trauma.

Family illness or break-up.


Joining The Nest will boost confidence and

self-esteem and provide children with the

extra help sometimes needed to improve

social skills and independence for example

To join in

To settle

To listen

To concentrate

To share and take turns

To accept losing a game

To build up friendships with their classmates

It gives them a chance and helps to encourage a more positive profile among their peers and members of staff.



*More information about Nurture can be found on

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