Purpose and Aims
We are a school that whole-heartedly believes in a child-centred approach; therefore it is imperative that children are at the core of everything we do. All of our staff are committed to following an approach which positively supports every child’s development and effective learning.
In order to reflect our commitment to developing the whole child and in line with our legal duties under the Equalities Act, we expect all of our school community to demonstrate our core expectations / values.
Ambition |
Curiosity |
Resilience |
Respect |
These core expectations / values are central to our school approach and are tailored to suit the needs of every individual and all environments around our school. To promote and reinforce these expectations and create to an environment where everyone is valued equally, we have a whole school house system (see Appendix 1).
We recognise as a school that some children may require additional support in order to behave in a positive and appropriate way. In these cases an individual behaviour plan specific to that pupil will be drawn up in consultation with parents and other relevant staff.
These core expectations / values are central to our school approach and are tailored to suit the needs of every individual and all environments around our school. To promote and reinforce these expectations and create to an environment where everyone is valued equally, we have a whole school house system (see Appendix 1).
We recognise as a school that some children may require additional support in order to behave in a positive and appropriate way. In these cases an individual behaviour plan specific to that pupil will be drawn up in consultation with parents and other relevant staff.
Rewarding Exemplary Behaviour
Exemplary behaviour that relates to the core expectations / values should be rewarded with:
- House points: awarded by any member of staff for excellent examples of learning or to individuals demonstrating the core expectations / values to a high standard in any of the school environments.
- Core Certificates: presented during a weekly celebration assembly which is used to reinforce the core expectations / values. These awards will be shared on the celebration page of the school website.
Year 6 and class ambassadors
Children in Year 6 will be chosen to act as ambassadors for the school; showing visitors around, doing responsible jobs on behalf of staff and setting an exemplary model of behaviour for all other pupils.
During the academic year, children in all classes will have the opportunity to be a class ambassador.
Sanctioning Unacceptable Behaviour
In cases of low level disruptive behaviours the following steps will be applied;
- Immediate verbal or non-verbal reminder
- Warning
- Separation from peers
- Removal of playtime privileges; i.e. miss part or all of play / lunch time – supervised by designated staff members in allocated rooms. [Play / lunch time should also be used to finish any incomplete work or to improve substandard work as required.]
- Removal from situation to another appropriate environment
- Formal meeting between parents / carers and member(s) of the Headship team
Class teachers are required to report informally to parents / carers any incidents which require a more significant sanction and to maintain regular contact with families of individual pupils whose behaviour is regularly unacceptable. This may be done either in person, or via telephone conversations and/or a home school communication book.
In rare cases of extremely inappropriate behaviours the following steps are applied;
- Immediate removal from situation to another appropriate environment (Headship Team office or designated behaviour room – see also physical restraint paragraph below)
- Formal meeting between parents / carers and member(s) of the Headship team
- Referral to outside agencies
- As a last resort, in response to extreme breaches of discipline, temporary or permanent exclusion from school
If at any stage, in any environment, a child refuses to follow the steps outlined above or their behaviour threatens the safety of themselves or those around them, a member of the Headship Team supported by appropriately trained adults have the power to use reasonable force to maintain order and discipline in the school environment. Appropriately trained staff will restrain the child using Team Teach approaches and remove them to a quiet place to calm down so that the issue may be resolved safely (see also physical restraint paragraph below).
All incidents of unacceptable behaviour, where a child has been separated from their peers or had privileges removed, will be recorded electronically on the school’s CPOMS system.
Positive Handling