What is Transition?
Transition is the process that prepares children and their families to develop the necessary skills, knowledge and relationships to comfortably move from one phase to another.
Northgate provides education for children from nursery through to year 6. During these years there are several phases of transition; we aim to facilitate these as smoothly and with least disruption to your child.
Welcome to Nursery
Our amazing nursery team are warm and welcoming and create a fun family feel for children to come into. Children struggling to be left for the first time will soon feel at ease. The team will keep you informed on your child's wellbeing and are happy to discuss any concerns you might have.
Nursery to main stream school
Once settled into nursery the children have many opportunities to observe and mix with older children. Nursery share a play area with the reception children who are just one school year above. They love to befriend and look after their younger counter parts. This familiarises the nursery children with school uniform and they see the next level of learning in play. On occasion nursery join the rest of the school for assemblies.
The early years team (Nursery and Reception staff ) work together very closely, so they make good bonds with all the children across both year groups; similarly the children are often familiar with the reception staff before they start main stream school.
Please note that a place in nursery does not automatically guarantee a school place. Applications should be made via West Sussex County Council. Parents will be reminded when the application process is open.
For children coming to Northgate from another nursery or pre-school, the early years team will liaise with your previous child care provider, to ensure their transition is a smooth a possible.
All children due to start reception will have the chance to visit school before they start for a taster session and will receive a home visit to familiarise your little one with their new teacher in a safe environment.
Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2
(Reception - Year 2) to (Year 3 -Year 6)
Moving up through the school brings a whole range of further learning experiences for the children, offering more opportunities outside of academia to become a well- rounded young person. Children from KS1 will spend some time during the summer term in the upper school to prepare them for their new surroundings. Teachers will meet for a full handover of each child to share their attainment levels, strengths, areas that need developing and concerns a child may demonstrate with regard to the move up.
Swimming is part of the curriculum for children in year 3. All children take part in this, they are transported by coach to the K2 leisure centre. You will be given notice of the swimming dates for your child.
The outdoor learning facilities at Northgate are wonderful. All pupils in KS2 will participate in Forest school in the woodland style conservation area tucked at the back of the school. The children can engage with outdoors, try bush crafts and nature observation, it really is fun. Weather appropriate clothing should be brought into school, please see the outdoor learning page for more details.
Pupils in year 5& 6 take part in gardening as part of their curriculum. Their learning is based on "seed to plate", planting seasonal vegetables, nurturing and watching them grow into kitchen ready produce. Again please see the outdoor learning page for more details and images.
In KS2 pupils will be offered the chance to apply for pupil leaderships roles i.e. Digital leaders and the Learning Council for example. These groups enable to children to develop their communication, planning skills and teambuilding capabilities. The role of these groups are explained in more depth on the Pupil Leadership page.
Unfortunately the government provision of a free hot dinner finishes when your child completes year two. If your child is not in receipt of benefit related free school meals and would like to continue to have a hot school meal, you will now need to pay. Dinners can not be ordered through school, you can do this via the Chartwells website. Otherwise they should bring a packed lunch.
Moving from year 6 to high school
We ensure our year 6 children are ready for their secondary school experiences; spending considerable time in the summer term discussing change with the children. This includes both the literal move and practical questions and worries such as how to tie a tie and getting to and from school, addressing some of the more abstract and internal ways that change can impact us.
Our aim is for our children to be as confident and prepared as possible; covering a variety of topics from personal safety, mental well-being, citizenship and relationships to mention a few.
We liaise closely with secondary schools to offer the smoothest possible transition, and offer enhanced transition opportunities where appropriate. Most children will be invited to attend their new schools at some point in the summer term as an introduction.
Special educational and emotional needs
For children with special educational needs our SENCO will support them every step of he way, providing interventions and additional transition visits if necessary. The wonderful inclusion team (learning mentor, family worker nurture room leader and play therapist) are also on hand to provide any extra emotional support if needed.