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Northgate Primary School

Northgate Primary School

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Nursery contact details


Please contact nursery on this number: 01293 582 301


To report your child absent:


Please call the main school office on 01293 526737, option number 1 and leave a message stating your child's name, class and the reason for absence. 


Alternatively you can email the office on: with the details mentioned above. 


Nursery Admissions


We have now started the Admissions process for September 2024.

All of our nursery spaces have been allocated.


If you have not been offered a place yet, you can fill in a waitlist request form and we will be in touch if a space opens up. 


We currently have 4 free 15 hour spaces available:


Wednesdays 12-3pm, Thursdays 9am-3pm Fridays 9am-3pm


All of our 30 hour spaces are now full for September 2024.


Please note: We will only contact parents IF and WHEN a space is available. 


When to apply


We currently only accept children one school term AFTER they have turned 3. Children on the waitlist who are not yet 3 will not be considered until AFTER they have turned 3. 


Once you have been offered a place in Nursery


Please make sure any paperwork is completed in a timely manner as this may impact when your child can start nursery. 


ALL children coming to nursery are required to complete a Free Entitlement Form, regardless if they attend 15 or 30 hours. 


Please note: Admissions will require a copy of your child's birth certificate and passport BEFORE your child can start nursery. Please ensure that any forms we have asked you to complete are filled in and handed into the school office. 


The deadline to hand in Enrolment Forms, Consent Forms and the Free Entitlement Parent Declaration Form is: Friday 28th June 2024. 


If you fail to hand in ALL forms and Documents by the deadline specified, your child's nursery space will be withdrawn, and you will be refused entry in nursery. Your child cannot start nursery without the completion of ALL paperwork. 


We reserve the right to request further supporting documentation where necessary to confirm the identity of the child seeking admission. We also reserve the right to request documentation to confirm residence at the application address- places secured using false information will be withdrawn. 


Failure to provide requested documentation will also lead to places being withdrawn

If you fail to provide all forms, and documentation by the given deadline, your child's nursery space will be withdrawn and their place will be allocated to another child on the waitlist. 






Current Nursery Timings 


Session A: Monday and Tuesday: 8.45 am- 2.45pm, Wednesday: 8.45am- 11:45am

Session B: Wednesday 12:15pm- 3.15pm, Thursday and Friday: 8.45am- 4:45pm

Session C: 30 hours- Monday - Friday: 8.45am- 2.45pm (only with a 30 hour code)


Timings from September 2024


Session A: Monday and Tuesday: 9am- 3pm, Wednesday 9-11:45am

Session B: Weds 12-3pm, Thursday- Friday 9-3pm

Session C: 30 hours- Monday- Friday 9am-3pm (only with a 30 hour code)


Free entitlement


We are required to have a Free Entitlement Form for all children in nursery, whether your child attends for 15 hours or 30 hours.


If your child attends nursery for 30 hours, you will need to apply for a 30 hour code from the West Sussex County Council website BEFORE your child can start attending nursery full time.


You will need to create an account and apply for the funding. West Sussex will then send you a 30- hour code which goes on the free entitlement form. 


Without this code your child cannot attend full time at our nursery, they will only be entitled to 15 hours. 





Free Entitlement Form (from April 2024)

Once you have completed the waitlist request form, please either email it to us to the following email address:, or hand it in to the office in the main school building.

Once you have completed the free entitlement form, please hand it in to Mrs Robinson in our Nursery. 

Get In Touch

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