Northgate Nursery Tour!
Plum Classes (morning and afternoon)
Ms L Kernoghan
Early Years Lead
Mrs G Boltman
Nursery Teacher
Mrs P Howes
Nursery Nurse
Mrs V Turner
Nursery Nurse
Mrs J Robinson
Nursery Nurse
Nursery Admissions Information
Nursery Curriculum documents
Our Nursery has capacity for 40 children per session:
Session | Days and timings |
A | Monday and Tuesday 9.00 to 3.00, Wednesday 8.45 to 11.45 |
B | Wednesday 12.00 to 3.00, Thursday and Friday 9.00 to 3.00 |
C | 30 Hrs - Monday to Friday 9.00 to 3.00 |
It is very important that your child attends regularly in order for them to form good relationships with the adults and other children in the class and to benefit fully from the activities we provide.
If for any reason your child cannot be collected on time, or if someone different will be collecting him/her, we would appreciate you telephoning us on 01293 582301.
Please do not send your child to Nursery if he/she is unwell. Please ring the school to let us know your child will not be attending.
Our school has a policy regarding sickness and diarrhoea which states that children should not return until 48 hours after the last bout.
Should your child become ill whilst with us, we will telephone you to come and collect him/her. Please ensure that we have at least 2 emergency contact numbers in case we are unable to reach you at home.
From September 2021 we will be offering Northgate Nursery t-shirts and sweatshirts in 'Plum Purple'. These will be available to buy from the school office or via our school uniform suppliers, Mapac.
Click here to visit Mapac directly to purchase your Nursery uniform.
Children are provided with toast, fruit and milk each day.
Principals of Early Years Education
A Unique Child - Every child is a competent learner from birth who can be resilient, capable and self-assured
Positive relationships - Children learn to be strong and independent from a base of loving and secure relationships with parents and/or a key person.
Enabling environments - The environment plays a key role in supporting and extending children’s development and learning.
Learning and development - Children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates and all areas of Learning and Development are equally important and inter-connected.
We believe that all children will grow together as independent learners, exploring through play and first-hand experiences in a safe, happy and stimulating environment as they begin their learning journey at Northgate Primary School.
We understand that education begins in the home and we realise this may well be the first time that you have shared this responsibility with anyone else. Should you have any worries or questions about your child at any time, please do not hesitate to come and discuss them with us. We see you as a partner in educating your child – you are the one who knows your child better that anyone and we welcome any advice you can offer.
The Early Years Foundation Stage
3 prime areas: these are the most important areas of learning and without them children cannot succeed in the specific areas.
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development which focuses on children becoming self-confident and self-aware; adapting to change and following rules; learning about feelings and behaviour; making relationships with others outside their family.
- Communication and Language which focuses on children developing speaking, listening and attention skills.
- Physical Development which focuses on children developing physical control in indoor and outdoor environments, both in small and large movements and developing an awareness of space.
4 specific areas:
- Literacy provides children with a love of books and the foundations for early reading and writing skills.
- Mathematics focuses on numbers, shape, space and measures and which provides the foundations of numeracy.
- Understanding the world develops children’s understanding of people in the wider community, an awareness of the world, past and present.
- Expressive arts and design focuses on the development of children’s imagination and the exploration and use of different media and materials to express ideas and feelings.
How to help your child settle into school
Skills: things children can do
- Communicating – expressing their needs clearly
- Self-help skills – using the toilet, washing their hands, putting on their own coat etc
- Listening
- Sharing
- Investigating
- Experimenting
- Observing
- Predicting
Attitudes and Feelings: the way children approach things
- Confidence
- Independence
- Cooperation
- Curiosity
- Sense of enjoyment
- Care and respect
- Perseverance
- Motivation
Concepts: things that have to be understood
- Being one of a large group of children
- Taking turns and sharing
- Consideration for others
- Understanding the need to listen
- Self-esteem / positive self-image
- Cause and effect; for example, if they don’t roll their sleeves up their jumpers will get wet!
- Symbol recognition
Knowledge: things children can know
- They are valued as individuals
- They are safe and secure
- All adults will help them
- Names of staff and other children
- Their own space; for example, their coat peg
- Geography of the Foundation Stage Unit inside and out
- Daily routines
- Where resources are kept
- Expectations
- How to take responsibility; for example, tidying up