Reporting your child absent
How to report your child absent
It is your responsibility to inform us if your child is absent from school.
Please call the school office on 01293 526737, before 9am, and leave an answerphone message on option 1. This will go straight through to attendance. You will need to do this everyday that your child is absent.
You could also send the office an email if you are unable to call for some reason.
Please email:, we will need to know your child's name, their class and the reason for their absence.
Please note:
You may receive a text message from us if you have not informed us as to why your child is absent. You do not need to speak to a member of the office team to report your child absent. Please just leave a message on the answer phone with your child's name, class and reason for absence. Or, alternatively send an email to the school office.
If you do not inform us as to why your child is absent, this may go down as unauthorised. 5 or more unauthorised absences for school pupils age 5 or above, may be liable for a fine from West Sussex County Council.
Requesting absence leave
If you need to request absence leave, please come to the school office and fill in an absence request form. This then needs to be handed in, along with supporting evidence, to Mrs Anketell our Attendance Officer. We will then send it off to West Sussex County Council, who will then make the final decision.