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Northgate Primary School

Northgate Primary School

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Term Diary Dates

Summer Term Diary Dates 2024





22nd - Back to school

22nd - Y5 Show racism the red card workshops 

25th - Phunky Food workshops for selected Y2 and Y3 pupils and parents

29th and 30th - Y5 Redstart workshops




7th - Y3 Clay workshop

9th - Y4 Mayan Workshop

13th-16th - Y6 SATs week

13th - Apple Class visit to library

15th - New reception parents meeting

16th - Nursery (Weds-Fri) Sports Afternoon

17th - Fig Class visit to library

20th - Nursery (Mon-Weds) Sports Afternoon

21st - Reception Sports Afternoon

21st - Y5 Owl Visit

22nd - KS2 Sports Morning

22nd - KS1 Sports Afternoon

22nd - Cherry Class visit to library

24th - INSET DAY

25th May- 2nd June - Half term





4th - Y2 Little Big Sing event at school

5th - Y6 (class TBC) visit to Legal and General, Hove

6th - Empathy Lab day

18th - Y6 (class TBC) visit to Legal and General, Hove

19th - New Reception pupils - stay and play

24th - Y6 (class TBC) visit to Legal and General, Hove

25th - Y4 trip to Bhakti Yoga Centre

25th - Reception open afternoon for current parents

26th - New Reception pupils - stay and play 

26th - Rocksteady concert

27th - 2024 Book Awards




3rd - West Sussex KS2 Deaf day at Northgate

3rd - New Reception pupils - stay and play

4th - KS2 Big Sing event at school

5th - Northgate 70th Birthday event

9th - Y4 Trip to Memorial Gardens

10th - New Reception pupils - stay and play

12th - End of Year reports

16th, 17th and 18th - Y6 Summer Term performances

19th - Y6 Inflatable day

22nd - Y6 Leavers' Picnic

23rd - Y6 Bowling

23rd - School finishes at 1.30pm for the Summer Holidays

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