Our Governors
Our Governing Body
Northgate Primary School is a community school. Our Governing Body was reconstituted on 1st May 2020 and is made up of 14 governors:
- 3 Parent Governors (elected by the parent body)
Mrs Kirsty Shurety Co - Chair of Governors and Safeguarding Governor
| I am a mum of 2 boys, my eldest currently attends Northgate Primary School in Year 6 and my youngest recently moved to a local specialist school after 2 years at NGPS. I have been through the tough EHCP process with my youngest child and I am an advocate for SEN after going through the diagnosis process for both of my children. I have been a parent governor now for over a year and I have really enjoyed supporting and getting to know the school and the staff on a different level than I do as a parent. It has been fascinating to learn about the way the school works behind the scenes and how the school as a whole cares for our children's wellbeing and education, also being able to see it for myself on my monitoring visits. In September I became a Co-Chair along with Katie Piggott and I am also the new designated safeguarding governor.'
Cristina Mitran Parent Governor and Vice Chair | My youngest son went to Northgate Primary School when we moved to Crawley 8 years ago, it has given him a real love of learning and doing his best. I wanted to become a governor to support the school and to be a role model for my children. I really enjoy using my financial skills to support the school and it is great to be able to give something back.
Parent Governor Vacancy | |
Parent Governor Vacancy
- 1 Staff Governor (elected by the staff), and the Head Teacher
Mrs Amanda Harrison Head Teacher |
I was delighted to be appointed as the headteacher of Northgate Primary School in September 2020, to work with the Governing Body to continue the drive for school improvement. I am excited about the future of our school and the many opportunities we can offer our young children. I have worked in primary schools for over twenty-five years and am passionate about making sure every child is seen as an individual with many personal strengths and talents. It is our job as educators to ignite a love for learning in everyone so they can achieve their best and have a future they truly deserve.
Mrs Sarah Nower Deputy Head Teacher Staff Governor
| I joined the school as Deputy Headteacher in 2020 and have enjoyed working across the school to develop teaching and learning since then. I am an experienced teacher (I have taught for nearly 25 years) and feel I have a lot to offer as a staff governor. Working with the governors to continue and develop the school is an exciting and fulfilling role. I am able to bring ideas from staff to support the discussions we have and I have worked with the governing team to monitor what is happening in the school. |
- 1 Local Authority Governor (appointed by the Local Authority)
- 8 Co-opted Governors (appointed by the Governing Body based on skills and experience).
Mr Christopher Simonovitch Co - Opted Governor
| I have worked for Royal Mail for 35 years and I enjoy railway modelling, I am a keen photographer, and I am a rail enthusiast. While at work I started a course at college which lead to me studying at Birkbeck College for a degree in Psychology. I am now studying for a master’s degree in psychology with the Open University. Until 2011 I was a school governor for a primary school in Waltham Cross. When I moved to Three Bridges, I applied through Governors for Schools to become a Governor at Northgate Primary School. I became a school governor to give something back to the community by using the skills that I have learnt over the years to help others.
Sarah James Co - Opted Governor | I became a governor at Northgate primary school in 2016 when my daughter attended the school. I have been in the role for a number of years because I am committed to supporting the school leaders in ensuring the pupils in this school achieve their potential. The governing body is warm and friendly and everyone is made to feel part of the team. There is an inclusive culture at the school, and their ethos is one which I align to. I currently work in the school as a well-being leader and a trainee play therapist. My previous work experience was 17 year within the private sector where I managed over 100 people and led on strategic management projects. This experience has provided help and support to the governing body and I would like to continue to do this. |
Ms Katie Piggott Co - Chair of Governors
| I have been involved in education for 15 years in Buckinghamshire, Sutton, Sussex and Surrey in a variety of schools. Currently, I am a class teacher and senior leader in an East Sussex where my focus is on the quality of my pupils' education. I very much enjoy teaching and providing the best opportunities for all children. When I moved into the area, I wanted to be able to give some of my experience and support back to my local community.
Katie Kett Clerk to Governors | I am new to the role of Clerk to Governors and was appointed in September 2024, I am enjoying the role very much. It has been a pleasure meeting the members of the Governing board and the rest of the staff at Northgate Primary. My professional background as an Operating Department Practitioner for the NHS for over a decade, has allowed me to further develop my communication and administrative skills. Alongside my clinical role as Theatre Practitioner I work in Practice Development and Wellbeing. This role helps to support and facilitate the development of clinical practice in the NHS and create wellbeing initiatives for staff. I enjoy working in clinical education and chose the role of Clerk to Governors because I enjoy being part of a team and want to explore working in a different area of education. I am a mum of two and it has been amazing learning about how a school is run. The hard work and dedication from everyone who works at Northgate Primary shows through how much everyone cares for education and wellbeing for children. |
The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 specifies that individuals acting as members of the Governing Board of an educational establishment (defined as either an educational establishment which is exclusively or mainly for the provision of full-time education to children, or a maintained nursery school) need to undergo a DBS check.
The nominated Governor for Safeguarding is Mrs Kirsty Shurtey.
All governors serve for 4 years from the date of their election or appointment. Parent governors may serve out their term of office even if their child leaves the school. Staff governors end their term if they cease to be employed at the school.
The Full Governing Body meets twice per term.
The Resources Committee meets at least once per term; the Teaching and Learning Committee every half term and the Pay Committee meets at least once per year.
Governor Roles and Responsibilities 2023-2024
Resources Committee: Chris Simonovitch, Amanda Harrison, Seluakumari Divaseelan, Sarah Nower.
Teaching & Learning Committee: Katie Piggot, Amanda Harrison, Kirsty Shurety, Sarah Nower.
Pay Committee: Chris Simonovitch, Lavanya Dhinagaravel, Selvakumari Divaseelan.
Disciplinary /Complaints/Exclusion Panel
3 Non-staff governors will form a panel as necessary
Disciplinary/Complaints/Exclusion Appeals Panel
3 Non-staff governors will form a panel as necessary