Apple, Cherry and Fig Class Teachers

Pupil Support Assistants

Six Weeks In - October 2024
Welcome to Reception - September 2024
Reception Curriculum documents
All children are expected to read every day, sharing a story with parents and the reading their own book.
Click below to visit our Homework page for guidance on supporting your child's reading.
Forest school days:
Reception visit the forest school on Fridays, please ensure they have the correct forest school clothing with them. You will be informed when it is your child's class turn. Please see our 'Outdoor Learning' page for more information.
PE days:
Fig - Monday
Apple - Wednesday
Cherry - Thursday
However please ensure your child has all the correct clothes for PE in school at all times. These must all be labelled clearly with your child’s name (including their shoes).
Click below to visit our Uniform page for more information about sports and PE kit.
If your child wears earrings it is easier to remove them before school on these days. Children will be asked to take out their own earrings for PE. If they are unable to do so, they must be covered with micro-porous tape during PE.
Water bottles
All children are encouraged to bring a water bottle to school each day to drink regularly in their classroom and maintain good hydration. Please ensure your child’s name is written clearly on their bottle.
Mid-morning snack
Fruit and milk are available daily for children to help themselves when they are hungry.
Click below for more information about fruit and milk.
A healthy and nutritious lunch will help to boost your child’s energy levels for learning throughout the afternoon. We encourage all our children to eat a hot meal each day, particularly since they are provided free for pupils in Reception. However, if you choose to provide a packed lunch for your child, please remember that Northgate is a ‘nut-free’ school.