Performance Data for Academic Year 2018-19
Early Years Foundation Stage
Good Level of Development (GLD) |
School |
78% |
National |
72% |
Phonics Screening Check
End of Year 1 |
End of Year 2 |
School |
78% |
% |
National |
82% |
% |
Key Stage 1
Percentages of pupils meeting the expected standard
Reading (R) |
Writing (W) |
Maths (M) |
Science |
RWM combined |
School |
56% |
60% |
56% |
74% |
51% |
National |
75% |
69% |
76% |
82% |
65% |
Percentages of pupils exceeding the expected standard
Reading (R) |
Writing (W) |
Maths (M) |
Science |
RWM combined |
School |
11% |
10% |
22% |
10% |
National |
25% |
15% |
22% |
11% |
Key Stage 2
Percentages of pupils meeting the expected standard
Reading (R) |
Writing (W) |
Maths (M) |
Grammar, punctuation and spelling (GPS) |
Science |
RWM combined |
School |
68% |
70% |
73% |
76% |
84% |
56% |
National |
73% |
79% |
79% |
78% |
82% |
65% |
Percentages of pupils exceeding the expected standard
Reading (R) |
Writing (W) |
Maths (M) |
Grammar, punctuation and spelling (GPS) |
Science |
RWM combined |
School |
20% |
14% |
20% |
32% |
3% |
National |
27% |
20% |
27% |
36% |
11% |
Average scaled scores
Reading (R) |
Maths (M) |
Grammar, punctuation and spelling (GPS) |
School |
103 |
103 |
105 |
National |
104 |
105 |
106 |
Average progress measures
Reading (R) |
Writing (W) |
Maths (M) |
School |
1.4 |
0.2 |
-0.4 |
National |
0 |
0 |
0 |
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