Creative Maia!
This week we are celebrating Maia's amazing creative writing! Inspired by their class book Monster Slayer, Maia has written her own story.
Mr. Horsburgh was so impressed by her imagination and writing style he contacted Barrington Stoke Publishers - and they responded!
Response from Barrington Stoke (Publisher) regarding Maia’s writing:
We were delighted to receive your student's creative writing - wow - it was fantastic. We forwarded it to Brian Patten and he has sent the following reply.
Best wishes
I can see from this just how creative the young student is. Really delighted at the creativity.
For the teacher from Brian Patten
I had a wonderful teacher who encouraged me like mad. I left at 15 and got a job as a junior reporter. This child’s teacher is probably that teacher all over again. They are rare, singular and legion.